Category: Car Mechanic

Auto Repair Basics: How To Change Spark Plugs

Have you thought about attempting to fix your car issues yourself? These days, a majority of car owners will hire a mechanic regardless of how simple the problem may be. Let the following article serve as your vehicle’s repair guide. Your self-confidence will grow and you’ll save money in the long term too. If you…

Paint systems from R-M® set the right tone for design concepts for electric vehicles

Covestro, the manufacturer of high-tech polymer materials for the automotive and other industries, has already presented an innovative concept for electric cars that incorporates the latest trends in external design at the K 2016 plastics trade fair. The concept car will also occupy pride of place at the Covestro stand at the European Coatings Show…

Vehicle Stickers – Designing Them To Suit Your Marketing Stint

Vehicle stickers have long been used by car owners for varied purposes. In the early times, they are merely utilized for decoration. But nowadays, they are primarily utilized for advertisements. This is because many entrepreneurs have discovered the wonders of using cars for their marketing plans. Obviously, cars are mobile. They can reach out to…