Premium Auto Detailing – Can You REALLY Get It From That Car Wash?

Alright, let’s talk about CAR WASHES. Your big industrial-like car washes are… well, they’re like an assembly line where they send them through an automatic system, pretty simple process… There are some essential best car wash products that are needed to provide your vehicle with a shine you can brag about. Usually, to start, they’ll…

Been There, Done That and Got the Political T-Shirt, Bumper Sticker to Prove It!

America is on the precipice of change. And Hopefully not the change the administration had envisioned when elected 2 years ago. This past Presidential Election proved like never before (at least in my lifetime) that elections, Presidential Elections in particular have consequences. The Healthcare reform law that the majority of American’s stood up against, the…

Artist Action Plan: How To Create Yours Now

Beside creating art, the most important step in developing your art career is to take action! You can enter or relaunch your career either haphazardly or with a plan. The one you pick will likely determine how long you stick with it and if there is a happy ending to your story. If you enter…